Monday, July 14, 2008

New URL's story is mean but true...

I was recently reading a post on a blog with a heading "MEAN BUT TRUE." on blogspot. I liked the title and the latest post at the time. I thought to myself, I wish I had a clever URL like "meanbuttrue.blogspot", but all I have is WillCharles. However, when I examined the URL address closely, I realized it was spelled incorrectly. The address was spelled meanbutture. I read the address as "mean butt u r" "e" and said, "Wait! That's not 'mean but true'!" That is when the wheels in my head started to turn, hmm... I like the name mean but true, why not keep it for myself? I re-registered my blog as and the rest is history :)

This story is mean, but true. Here is the link to the other blog which may be arguably better than this one, even if spelled incorrectly :)

with Love,
Will Charles

1 comment:

meanie said...

I would like the blogsport url: meanbuttrue. I think it would be nice if you could just give it back to me. I thought of it first.

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