Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Santogold in Concert: not the same as MIA

I was invited to a Santogold concert recently and although I had not heard of "Santa Gold" before, I decided to check her out. The concert was a blast and left me wanting more. When I got home I searched for the artist on youtube. Unfortunately, I could not find any "Santa Gold" music videos. I consulted Google and found a posting on answers.yahoo.com that explained that there is no such thing as Santa (*tear*), but "Santogold" does exist.

The friend who invited me to the concert explained that Santogold has a sound similar to M.I.A.'s. Santogold explains how this is flattering and true to a certain extent, but how she and her peer fundamentally differ:

LES Artistes by Santogold:

Paper Planes by M.I.A. for comparison:

Hear the difference?

Random tidbit: according to a youtube comment, Santogold's LES Artistes video was inspired by Alejandro Jordowski's "El Topo" (The Mole), a mystical western movie. From what I have read about El Topo, I would describe it as funny, violent, satirical, sacreligious and likely worth watching with others - discussion will ensue. I wanted to watch the whole movie on youtube, but could not find it. I watched a 40 mintue program about Jordowski on youtube and clips from "El Topo" instead. I was not satisfied *sigh*, I still want to watch the movie. The interview managed to keep my attention, but it was not what I was looking for - nevertheless, I learned Jordowski is pretty crazy! (in a semi-good way).

1 comment:

Marisa Williamson said...

I have requested 'El Topo' on Netflix. I will provide a review when I have seen the movie.

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